Music Lessons

Getting The Sound You Need With Skills You Can Depend On

Piano, guitar, singing, speaking, drums, violin, and more popular instruments. Nobody ever regretted learning how to play an instrument or developing fluency in musical notation.

The very first student at Mountjoy Music Studio years ago was Samer Budd. Still takes lessons. How he's grown.


The very first student at Mountjoy Music Studio. Samer Budd.
Music lessons are on Sundays and Mondays anywhere between 9am and 9pm. Contact the studio to arrange specific time, duration, and type of lesson or session.

Adult(and more focused children) classes are 1/2 hour at $15 and 1 hour at $25 and include music theory, practice and notation. Kids classes are 1 hour for $20 covering a simplified music primer, practice, and instrument specific tablature. 2 hour lessons for all ages are $50.

Pay in cash at end of each lessons/session or use the studio's shopping page to send e-transfers.

"Music provides joy and meaning to the background track of our lives. You can hear it anywhere if you listen. Anyone can learn to sing or play an instrument. We all have a song inside of us. Whether it's just for fun or serious band practice, you just have to get started."

If you're interested in music lessons, recording sessions, sound production, scouting or talent management then please Contact The Studio.

© 2023-2025 Mountjoy Music Studio - Yorkton, Saskatchewan, Canada
The benefits of musical notation go far beyond playing the music.

Mountjoy Music Studio - A better relationship with a smaller audience.

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