Musical Therapy

Music can improve the quality of a person's life in very real ways.

Not everybody plays music for the craft itself. Many choose to work with music as a tool for something more personal and specific to whatever experience they might be going through. Some don't have ambitions of stage work or orchestral collaboration. They just want to play or sing with their friends and stop worrying about whether they'd be better off silent.

It's not always about making sure they memorize musical symbols or practice rudiments religiously. Sometimes, it's just about being there, paying attention to them, with a few different instruments to play around on cause the student's working something out. Maybe they don't want to try too hard because they don't want to fail and disappoint themselves. Or they've failed in the past and the consequence was so severe they're terrified to put themselves at risk of it again. These are the students that need to come to it on their own as trust is built in both themselves and music's ability to bring out their best.

Music makes the process of growing up a little easier. It helps the day go by a little better when the toe taps a little faster. This is the essence of music as therapy. The very act of learning music... practicing it, composing it. If offered consistantly and with self-empowering purpose for the student WILL help them reach their maximum potential. Or as they say in the clubs "enter their pretty girl era".

Thousands of years of fluent music writers and players/singers bringing polyphonic magic into the lives of those who could use a creative kick in the ass. A mundane life full of pain, regret, boredom, misfortune, or worse can become the source material for writing great music. Nobody can write what you write because nobody can feel exactly as you feel about your unique experience in this crazy world. Those who speak through music can say everything they've ever wanted to say, make other people feel anything they've ever wanted someone else to feel. Music can help you find your voice.

If you're interested in music lessons, recording sessions, sound production, scouting or talent management then please Contact The Studio.

© 2023-2025 Mountjoy Music Studio - Yorkton, Saskatchewan, Canada
The benefits of musical notation go far beyond playing the music.

Mountjoy Music Studio - A better relationship with a smaller audience.

Currently operating out of Yorkton, Saskatchewan at 45 Betts Ave.

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