Mountjoy's Music Maker And Publishing Pool
All students and studio talent enjoy the benefits using Alearezzo to make music but there's also a growing database of human authored bars/measures available to/by all signed talent offering an alternative business model for songwriters, musicians, and active performers. Earn a return anytime your work contributes to a commercial product developed within the Mountjoy Music Studio network. All online. Available all the time.
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Alearezzo is a web based musical notation software which a composer or player can use in any number of ways to find new melodies, mix them with harmonies and rhythm, then arrange them into original songs. Once arranged songs can be checked with the Note Verifier and if not too similar to another published work the song will enter the
Publishing Pool.
Available on most browsers on most devices wherever interet is available. Currently, by invite only as catalogued musical works must be protected by
Talent Agreement.
Alearezzo is now hooked to the studio's publishing pool. Arranged phrases are now automatically catalogued for protected use in the other works of any signed talent! Artists can make the money and let the software count it for them!
Alearezzo is based on my desktop Linux application, Tractatus/DrumSense. The web port is a simpler more networked version with unique features being added daily. Where as the desktop version focused on composition with several shortcuts and aleatorical auto-generators/transcribers, the online version is more collaborative while sporting a "beefed-up" aleatorical engine curating from a much more advanced "secret" source.
If you're interested in music lessons, recording sessions, sound production, scouting or talent management then please Contact The Studio.