Working on the last remaining start up costs. Debt. Debt. Debt. I hate it so I pay it off as fast as I can even if it means going without a lot of comforts. I'll enjoy comfort in the spring when I'm breaking even instead of hemorrhaging money! Working on basement 2 this month. Building a wall between basement 2 and 3. Looking forward to the coming thaw so I can get working on the Annex in the back! So far the Cantina area is stuck as storage. lol I see now that I cleaned it all up that I need put more work into it before its usable for customers so I'll worry about it in the summer.
$20 monthly fee for associate producers and $10 for students. Both enjoy proportional access to and return from the studio song pool. All members who bring in new members will get $5 of their monthly fees for the first year as encouragement to bring in more members. Students are encouraged to become associate producers once they are ready to record original works or work with those who are.
gave me last year to cover my deposit for the rent to own agreement at 45 Betts in Yorkton! Grateful for their timely help, but happy that's 530 bucks a month I don't have to pay anymore! Gonna spend the next few months catching up now on other bills and then the costs, given most of my renovations are complete for now, will go down substantially. By 1 year into the new building(May) I should be turning a profit(income exceeding my costs). When spring hits, I should have what I need to upgrade the Annex in the back, Cantina in bottom front, and the basement in between.
Made in New Brunswick, Los Cabos makes the worlds most durable drumsticks. Red hickory and white hickory. High quality. Great price. I love this brand and Larry Guay, the owner, is a super cool guy. Check out their website at
. I'm gonna be expanding the Cantina at the front of the studio so I can sell stuff to raise funds for making more music including these drumsticks!
I always assumed when someone said "the key to this or that"... they meant it in the sense of a key unlocking a door revealing a secret on the other side. Now, however, I'm coming to realize that there isn't always a doorway to walk through. If something doesn't exist then we must make it. So I think the key is in the musical sense. A compositional constraint. An optimization of serendipitous production toward the creation of new songs, not just unlocking old melodies. A geometric key. A structure to increase opportunity. That's what a studio is if you really think about it. -
2024 Archive
Bringing in new associate producers to the studio seems to be working out. Snagged a great talent, Joel, who can focus on the film side, music videos, and talent management so I can focus more on renovations. If I can just get him to spell Mountjoy as one word instead of two all would be perfect! lol The Modest Measure podcast begins recording this monday at 3:30 and every monday at 3:30 after that for anyone who wants to sit in the audience and watch or participate in some music making. We're gonna show people how to make music so they want to make music at Mountjoy Music Studio. The format is super simple. Artists on stage cross talking as they play, mess around, try stuff out, jam, etc. No interviews. No long form discussion. This is a music studio. Come check it out!
2 windows remaining to be delivered, but at least the frames are all in and I can work on the interior. It looks pretty damn good from the outside if I do say so myself!
New door is installed, still waiting on windows, but they should be installed this coming week! Should have the new phone line installed at the studio on Wednesday with new local Yorkton number. My old cellphone was a Regina number so losing it will actually clear up some confusion that comes up from time to time. Also by going with a landline again with a physical answering machine I am really looking forward to being able to screen incoming calls again! I don't think I'm gonna get another mobile phone for a while or at all. I just really don't like them or their effect on my daily life. In fact the entire computer thing got irritating upon the invention of the computer/phone hybrid. It was a better world when they were separate devices.
I have music lessons every day except mondays now! I am almost breaking even for income to cost. A couple more regular students and I'm there! Then I can focus on my next goal which is to get as many as 4 teachers doing lessons at any given time. Still no new windows! The door has arrived, but the windows are still in Regina. As long as it gets done before winter I'm happy. :)
Lots of new students signing up this month. The new windows were delayed but are days away I am told. It's the last major repair left before winter and I really need those new windows to keep the cold out! lol Been doing more "group" lessons. Seems that the market is providing singles and groups as different audiences. I would have thought groups were just singles multiplied, but no. Parents seem to think of the two or three kids as being sort of "one combined kid force to recon with" so by offering group lessons I'm getting more parents interested. When it comes to the younger students, it's actually the parent who is the customer.
The stage is built, the floor underneath has been re-enforced. Roof patched. LOOOOOOTTTTSSS of painting. One more coat of paint and the worst of the renovations are behind me! Come visit the studio to see the changes for yourself. Small delay on the front windows. I'm told the builders are good to go for September, though!
"You decide your destiny, but you can't escape your fate."
July has seen some interesting developments! The new sign is up. I asked for shiny like a Fender guitar and that's exactly what D's Signs got for me. It looks amazing. Drive by the corner of Smith and Betts to take a look. Once the new front windows are installed in August the place might just get mistaken for a music studio or something.
"Luther Vandross. Wow. There's a name I haven't heard in a while."
It's June and the studio renovations are costing way less money than I expected. In August the new windows at the front should be here. The new sign is gonna be installed sometime soon. Once it is I will put an "OPEN" sign at the front. Walk-ins welcome!
MAY UPDATE"Imagine hearing an off note during a live rendition of a song then realizing that "phantom note" remains in your head until you hear that musician play that song again."
The hard work continues at the new studio location at 45 Betts Ave, Yorkton, Saskatchewan as we slowly transition this building from upholstery to music. Taught a few lessons already in the front and set up rehearsal space for local musicians and singers who need a private place to practice.
APRIL UPDATEDocuments are signed. Keys should be in my hand by April 2!
Check out my music review of Kanye West's latest album, Vultures 1, at Vultures Are So Valuable!
"Happy to announce I just signed an agreement to purchase 45 Betts ave in Yorkton. Assuming all goes as expected I'll be moving in April, 2024. With this bigger building comes bigger costs, but also bigger opportunity. This is the beginning of great things!
The down side is to keep costs down I'm closing the Preeceville location and possibly selling the building in the spring. Luckily, Yorkton isn't too far from Preeceville, so hopefully we see most of the old class in the new studio!" - Tony MountjoyDrop by if you need a quiet, private place to to jam or rehearse. If you're a music influencer, student, or signed talent then you might be looking for the member portal. Click here to
Login to your account with full access to Alearezzo, our propriatory digital platform for songwriters.
Ready for some
Musical Therapy? At Mountjoy Music Studio you can get the creative support, music services and technology you need to build then protect a thriving music career or just learn to love music. In the meantime, check out these
performance tips!
Did you know anybody from anywhere can discover a great sound? It's true! Maybe you're into
spittin' bars! Did you just write a new song? Maybe, you're a modern Mozart, Beethoven... Zappa, Hendrix, Rich, or some undiscovered jazz prodigy?
Got an interesting idea you think we can make into a music video? Wanna get on YoutubeMusic or Spotify? Convert your songs to mp3? Get listed on your favourite music downloader. From lessons and recording sessions to production and talent management, in a world of
emerging auto-generation, we can make a plan that works for you and your music.
First we learn how to play music, then read music, then write original music. We perform our music for a live audience, then record the most suitable songs for distribution on various platforms. Associate producers package and promote the product. Talent management oversees the monthly budget; registers the music for royalties and radio play making sure everyone gets paid along the way.